Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Journal of Clinical Trials

In clinical research, several studies use to perform on human subjects to evaluate the dependence of the disease occurrence with one or more parameters. Such studies are called 'Clinical trials', which are having great importance inmedical sciences.

Clinical Trials
Clinical trials mainly deals with biomedical, biochemical and behavioral tests on subjects but in some special cases commentary of care giver or parent plays crucial role in determining the actual scenario. The most crucial aspect of clinical results is its reproducibility and authenticity, which sometimes guide the fellow physician to postulate the therapeutic paradigm for a challenging issue. Pharmaceutical industries are the most dependent sector on clinical trial because, success in clinical trial only bring forward the 'Approved Drug'. Not only drug or medicine, various medical devices are also subjected to clinical trial and only successful device can be allowed to do business without any restrictions. Present ‘Journal of Clinical Trials’ accumulates all the relevant information on clinical research and provides a scope for communication of the articles related to clinical trials. Read more>>>>>

Monday, 7 August 2017

Strongyloides Hyperinfection in a Patient with Thymoma - A Rare Presentation of the Good Syndrome

We present the case of a 53-year old male from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who presented himself to his general practitioner with along-lasting infection of the upper airways that did not respond to antibiotictherapy.

A chest X-ray was performed and the patient was hospitalized because of a mediastinal mass. After CT-scan and a biopsy the diagnosis of a Thymoma Type AB Masaoka Stadium II was established. The surgical in toto thymectomy was performed without complications. A few days postinterventionally the patient presented with serious alteration of his general condition, constipation, vomiting after food intake and weight loss to now 35 kg, representing a BMI of 13.7 kg/m2. Symptomatic therapy was initiated and the patient was discharged. The patient was seen again by the thoracic surgeons for a follow up and removal of the surgical sutures. Because of a further alteration of his general condition and persistent gastrointestinal symptoms the patient was admitted to our clinic. To know more>>>>>>